Saudi Arabia and Pakistan relationships

Saudi Arabia is Pakistan’s one of the closest and friendliest state in the world. Pakistanis respect Saudi Arabia because the most holy cities of Muslim worlds Makkah and Madina, are located there. Due to the religious significance Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are very close to each other. Saudi Arabia was one of the first countries to recognize Pakistan as an independent state. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are also members of OIC. Throughout the history, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have shared brotherly relations. Saudi Arabia supports Pakistan on all diplomatic issues. During all the hard times, Saudi Arabia have backed Pakistan at diplomatic levels and also financially. In all the wars, Saudi Arabia helped Pakistan to come out of the crisis. It is also the largest supplier of petroleum products to Pakistan. Thousands of people from Pakistan are working in Saudi Arabia and are a big source of remittance. Lyallpur the third largest city of Pakistan famous for its textile ...