CPEC - China Pakistan Economic Corridor

China and Pakistan launched a mega project named China Pakistan Economic Corridor, popularly known as CPEC. The CPEC proposes a massive setup of roads, railways and ports which will connect Pakistani city of Gwadar with Kashgar of China. CPEC will provide a route to China to trade with almost half of the world.

Not only this, CPEC consists of different mega projects which include transportation and energy. Colossal road projects are under construction which will improve connectivity. Energy projects are under way and have started adding electricity into the national grid to overcome energy crisis in Pakistan. This will also help Pakistan to improve its domestic structure.

Experts from China and Pakistan are working together to fulfill this dream of CPEC. It will affect almost every economic field especially in Pakistan. It will provide industrial and agricultural benefits. CPEC can be very beneficial for Pakistan. It is indeed a historic opportunity for both countries to enhance their economy and brotherly relations and take them to a new high.
Many other countries are also interested in joining CPEC. Both China and Pakistan have said that any country can be part of CPEC, even India. CPEC will affect about 3 billion people of this region and will have a huge impact.
Image source: https://www.researchsnipers.com/china-pakistan-economic-corridor-trade-zones/

In the Pakistan specific perspective, it is a huge opportunity to create jobs, improve infrastructure, cover up the energy crisis and bring lights back to the country. Pakistan can be put on a very good economic path with the help of China’s OBOR (One Belt One Road) initiative.
Meanwhile, it’s strengthening the well-built ties of China and Pakistan as it is not only connecting the two governments or establishments but it is linking the people of two nations which is indeed a great sign.

Following website can be used to get further details of CPEC:


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